Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Three examples of a podcast

1) Click here to view the 'Miley and Mandy Show'. In this video Miley Cyrus and her best friend, Mandy laugh and yell... loudly. They run/dance around and precede to act like best friends.

2) In this video, self-proclaimed bestfriends, Miley and Mandy allegedly poke fun at fellow Disney channel stars, Demi Lavoto and Selena Gomez. They imply that Demi and Selena have gap teeth, wear too much black and are 'emo'.

3) In this video, Miley and Mandy at first talk about getting up early and sarcastically comment about eachother's hair. Then they talk about Ryan Secrest. Uneventful.

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you wrote your reviews. I am glad you figured out how to link your URLs without posting the entire web address. This makes it a lot easier to read your blog.

    You did loose a couple points, because the assignment was to find blogs from 3 different authors. However, overall this was very good.
