Tuesday, March 9, 2010

PL3A53 R0B M3

I thought Please Rob Me was an interesting website. It consists of an article informing readers about the danger of online 'location-awareness'. I see their point. I imagine robbing must be a significantly more simple job when the criminal knows for sure when the home owner is leaving and where they're going. Online location updates leave a window of time for gutsy criminals to take advantage of. It is said on the website that sites like Twitter and Foursquare are especially hazardous due to the constant status updates most users make. Also, a page on Yahoo discusses Please Rob Me. The bottom line seems to be the same old thing my parents told me when they purchased our first computer; don't post personal information online. I thought it was an interesting point but kind of a no-brainer. Apparently not, though. I assume there must have been enough of incidents involving criminals obtaining housing information through Twitter and other social networking sites and using that to rob homes. I suppose there's no such thing as so-called “common sense” these days. Or maybe people have simply become too comfortable with online networking. Who is to say? Reguardless... it doesn't surprise me that crimes such as these are being committed because of Twitter updates. I can remember my parents telling me to be careful what I post. It's amazing what computer hackers and other criminals can do with a seemingly miniscule personal detail. Some people, I'm sure will continue carelessly networking but those people had better brace themselves.... online crimes are becoming more and more common daily.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Wordless Pictures

For my Wordless Pictures video for Media Communications class I ended up doing a video of pictures I took like this one....


I hope you like them :]